Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Pastel drawing

Seeing all the possible colors spread across the night-sky with black intricate silhouettes of trees and buildings is one of my favorite sights.

I am planning to create a whole collection of different sunsets and cities. I'm open for suggestions (colors, size)

Friday, February 7, 2014


I've decided - I want to create art for charity. But, since I am poor myself - I guess, I'll donate 95% and get 5% for my work.

I have lots of projects in my mind: paintings, installations and other projects that will help the forest, the old people (like veterans), and children living in bad neighborhoods.

I myself grew up in a bad neighborhood: a small town-like village (that's what they call it officially) in Eastern Ukraine. There was one place in this dump by a huge stinky factory: HCTC (House of Children's and Teens' Creativity) - I went there since I was 6, and by the time I became 10 - I was signed up to almost all the courses available: Drawing, Writing, Sculpting, Doll Theater... what not?

Meanwhile I was bullied at school for being different (smart), but I was infinitely happy because there was one place where I belonged. I didn't only learn stuff on the Art-school level, I also won several tournaments, and of course made friends. Though as a rule teachers love me more than class-mates. Soon my poems were printed in the local journal, as well as illustrations for teenagers' winning sonnets.

That place gave me the ability to see art anywhere and to turn anything into art. I honestly didn't realize till I became a teenager that I was growing up in a very bad neighborhood in a very bad time: I was growing up in Ukraine in the 90-s, it was tough, I family was completely broke, several of my classmates drank and smoked since they were 8 (!), and HCTC protected me from all that and let me grow up into an Artist instead of a junkie.

That's why I want to help the world: people, good people, need placed like HCTC, they need people like my teachers!

Now, I never judge people by their roots and where they grew up. Just because I have my own example.

By the way, I visited HCTC 10 years later: it's some sort of a sewing school now... Half of it... The other half was locked away... The huge playground around it is pretty much abandoned.

I think I know where my first big revenue will go...